Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

For many of you reading this, you may have grown up hearing that song sung by Fred Rogers on “Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood.”  Let’s take a brief look at part of the lyrics of that famous ditty.


“I have always wanted to have a

Neighbor just like you.

I’ve always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.

So, let’s make the most of this beautiful day.

Since we’re together

We might as well say:

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won’t you be my neighbor?

Won’t you please?

Won’t you please?

Please, won’t you be my neighbor?”


Though Fred Rogers has passed away, he left children with many beautiful lessons on friendship, kindness, thoughtfulness, and what it is to be a good neighbor.  It seems that we could all still learn a little bit from Mr. Rogers and his song about neighbors.  Wouldn’t you like to be the kind of person that people are excited about having as a neighbor?  Wouldn’t it be great if others would say to your neighbor, “Oh!  You live next door to So-and-So (insert your name).  How wonderful!”


It isn’t that hard to be a good neighbor.  We all have busy lives.  We are often looking at our phones or we pull straight into the garage before entering the house, never seeing our neighbor standing outside, just next door.  Would it hurt us to make a little more effort?  Of course not!  When we go out to get the mail or pick up the newspaper, look around.  Are any of your neighbors out?  If so, a simple wave and a smile can go a long way with neighborly relations.  When you pull in your trash bin, what about pulling your neighbor’s in for them too?  They may never know it was you, but they will surely be appreciative.  Sometimes those small acts of kindness that nobody sees you do are the most rewarding.  They feed your soul.  They connect you to those around you.  It feels good to be kind to others.


When we are friendly it helps to build up positive feelings between us and the other person.  Then, when your cat runs into their garage or your child’s ball rolls into their yard, they are much more likely to be understanding and helpful.  If you have never so much as glanced at them, they might have mistaken you to be an unfriendly or even rude person.  Unless you really are those things, you don’t want people thinking that about you!  Show your friendliness!


At Tripod Aluminum we build beautiful aluminum fences that can help to keep your cat out of the neighbor’s garage and your child’s ball off their lawn.  Hopefully, you have built a positive relationship with them, so it won’t matter.  But, sometimes we want to keep things in our yards that belong there, like small children and pets!  We can help by building a fence for you that your neighbors will love too because they are beautiful and add character to your house and the neighborhood.  Who knows?  Maybe your neighbor will want a matching one!  If you live on the east coast from Port St. Lucie up to Melbourne, we want to be the company you call to build your beautiful aluminum fence, so please call us today!

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Tight Line Productions

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